Which is the Best Choice, of Greenhouse Building & Construction Planning, Glass Greenhouse Plans or Polycarbonate Greenhouses Plan?
Post Category: Greenhouse Articles > Building Greenhouses > Greenhouse Components & Parts > Glass and
Polycarbonate > Material and Cost Comparison
Greenhouses are classically made
from aluminum and glass, but recently, some people are substituting the glass
for twin wall polycarbonate.
- The mega trend toward producing your own vegetables
is leading more growers to experiment with different materials and expand
beyond traditional options.
- Plastic greenhouse construction materials include
fiberglass, polyethylene film, and polycarbonate.
Polycarbonate has numerous
advantages over glass, including:
1. Greenhouse Insulation Ability:
greenhouse plant growing is a matter of keeping the plants at the right
- Glass is not a very efficient material when it comes to heating,
because it transmits heat and cold too rapidly.
- People have made use of glass’s
difficulty retaining heat in other structures, from thermometers to spoons, but
it is a disadvantage in other areas.
- Greenhouse glass panels are usually double
or triple the normal thickness of glass to provide enough insulation, which can
be problematic.
Polycarbonate |
At the right thickness,
polycarbonate sheets retain heat better than horticulture glass.
- Polycarbonate
sheets can lengthen the plants’ growing season, which can make all the
difference in plant production.
- Twin polycarbonate sheets are structurally
similar to thermal windows, and provide a similar benefit.
- They can reduce
heating costs when compared to glass-paneled greenhouses, due to their greater
heat retention abilities.
A material’s thermal insulation
value is its ‘R’ value: Horticulture glass that’s three millimeters thick has a
lower R-value than four-millimeter twin-wall polycarbonate sheets.
Single layer
polycarbonate sheets have a reduced R-value compared to glass, so it is
important to take grades and measurements into account, and not to substitute
single layer polycarbonate sheets for twin layer polycarbonate sheets.
- A higher
R-value can make all the difference for the plants, particularly when growing
during the autumn and winter.
- The R-value will increase in proportion to the
thickness of the twin panel polycarbonate walls.

2. Greenhouse Structural Durability:
Glass is famously
- Polycarbonate sheets can withstand far more pressure and shocks than
glass, including fallen tree branches, hail, heavy storms, and the impact from
incoming tennis balls.
- Growers with nearby trees, active wildlife, or bustling
neighbors may want to invest in polycarbonate sheets.
- Twin polycarbonate sheets
are also highly flame resistant, in case of emergencies.
- On average, twin
polycarbonate sheets last for fifteen years under ideal conditions.
- Greenhouses
made from glass require substantial repairs over the course of their own
3. Ease of Greenhouses Assembly:
sheets are not as heavy as glass, and do not have to be cut specially to fit
the greenhouse specifications.
Glass is heavier than many other building
materials, and needs the sort of significant framing structure polycarbonate
sheets do not. Glass also must be kept completely rigid during construction.
Often times, amateur growers cannot construct glass greenhouses themselves, and
must procure the services of a contractor. Polycarbonate sheets are more
conducive to individual assembly.
4. Internal Light Penetration:
There is a
risk of burning plants when using glass-paneled greenhouses, because glass does
not effectively diffuse light.
- Polycarbonate sheets are constructed to have a
ribbed texture that breaks ultraviolet rays.
- The texture of polycarbonate
sheets diffuses the incoming ultraviolet light, all the better for plant
- The diffused light minimizes shadow, so growers can take full advantage
of incoming light and not have to compensate on behalf of the plants.
- Some
plant species need more or less light, and could be most efficiently grown in a
greenhouse made from twin-walled polycarbonate.
Materials: Made with Glass |
5. Reduction in Inside Greenhouses Condensation Levels:
polycarbonate sheets have been tested in conditions of eighty percent humidity,
with a fifty degree temperature differential between the outside and the inside
of the greenhouse.
- There was still no condensation on the greenhouse glass.
- Greenhouse condensation is more important in regards to aesthetics, but a
buildup of moisture can still be problematic.
Growers can also take advantage of
both materials, and get greenhouses constructed from a combination of glass and
- Some growers still prefer glass greenhouses for sentimental
- Advances in materials science will create a portfolio of options for
greenhouse growers and hobbyists.
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Great article, I very much enjoyed reading this one